Day of Pink Speakers Bureau

Elder Blu Waters

(she/her) English & Cree

Laureen (Blu) Waters Istchii Nickamoon is a member of the Metis Nation of Ontario. Her family is from Big River Saskatchewan, Star Blanket Reserve and Bra’dor Lake, Eskasoni First Nations, Cape Breton Nova Scotia.

Blu grew up with her grandmother and learned about traditional medicines performing extractions, healing, and taking of care of the sick. At 10 years old Blu was adopted by a white family in Parkdale. She has worked at Peel Aboriginal Network as an Elder and at Seneca College, where she has been an on campus Elder. She was also an elder advisor to Commissioner Brian Eyolfson at National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. On November 19, 2019 Blu visited us at Crestwood for our second Human Rights Symposium, on the subject of Reconciliation. As part of her day at the school, Blu was kind enough to sit down with Ella, Hanna and Elana for an interview.

She has been a traditional counselor for most of life. She is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 3 and a Sun dancer and a pipe carrier. Blu was also the national caucus Representative for the Toronto urban aboriginal strategy for 5 years working with the community of Toronto and the Government.

Blu’s gifts include: Traditional teachings Giving traditional spirit names, Hand drumming, Song writer and Creative writings.

Laureen (Blu) Waters: Istchi Nikamoon: Earth Song, Wolf clan. Cree/Metis/Micmac, Blu is a member of Metis Nation of Nation



  • Two-Spirit inclusion

  • counselling & care

  • advocacy

  • traditional medicine

Fee: Elder Blu Waters is happy to accept an honorarium for her time.

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